Our readers are from all walks of life. More importantly they are decisive, educated, affluent and influential. Reach a highly qualified audience that has a sphere of influence by placing your ad today.
Advertising Price List (Monthly)
Location Size(Pixel) Total Pixel Rate (Tk) Total (Monthly)
Spot #01 300X 90 27,000 3 81,000.00
Spot #02 300X 90 27,000 2 54,000.00
Spot #03 300 X 90 27,000 2 54,000.00
Spot #04 300X 250 75,000 1 75,000.00
Spot #05 300 X 250 60,000 .50 37,500.00
Spot #06 900 X 100 90,000 1 90,000.00
Spot #07 620 X 100 62,000 .50 31,000.00
Spot #08 600X 90 ( post) 55,800 2 1,11,600.00
Spot #09 600X 90 ( post) 55,800 2 1,11,600.00
Spot #10 600X 90 ( post) 55,800 1 55,800.00
Spot #11 320 X 200 ( post) 60,000 1 60,000.00
Spot #12 320 X 200 ( post) 60,000 1 60,000.00
Spot # 13 320 X 200 ( post) 60,000 1 60,000.00
Spot # 14 Popup —- — 1,50,000.00
Condition –
Space depends on availability.
All price are excluded 15% VAT.
Advert duration 30 sec.
Advert format- gif, jpg, swf, mp3, mp4.
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