Advertisement – বিজ্ঞাপন offers impactful advertising whether your marketing goal is to launch a new product or service, drive online traffic, expand business or build brand awareness.

Our readers are from all walks of life. More importantly they are decisive, educated, affluent and influential. Reach a highly qualified audience that has a sphere of influence by placing your ad today.

Advertising Price List (Monthly)

Location Size(Pixel) Total Pixel Rate (Tk) Total (Monthly)

Spot #01 300X 90 27,000 3 81,000.00

Spot #02 300X 90 27,000 2 54,000.00

Spot #03 300 X 90 27,000 2 54,000.00

Spot #04 300X 250 75,000 1 75,000.00

Spot #05 300 X 250 60,000 .50 37,500.00

Spot #06 900 X 100 90,000 1 90,000.00

Spot #07 620 X 100 62,000 .50 31,000.00

Spot #08 600X 90 ( post) 55,800 2 1,11,600.00

Spot #09 600X 90 ( post) 55,800 2 1,11,600.00

Spot #10 600X 90 ( post) 55,800 1 55,800.00

Spot #11 320 X 200 ( post) 60,000 1 60,000.00

Spot #12 320 X 200 ( post) 60,000 1 60,000.00

Spot # 13 320 X 200 ( post) 60,000 1 60,000.00

Spot # 14 Popup —- — 1,50,000.00

Condition –

Space depends on availability.

All price are excluded 15% VAT.

Advert duration 30 sec.

Advert format- gif, jpg, swf, mp3, mp4.

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